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UCPI 2018 Golden Autumn Gala
in Support of UBC Blue & Gold Campaign

UCPI 2018 金秋筹款晚宴
专属支持UBC Blue & Gold Campaign

UCPI, the University Canadian Philanthropy Initiative Foundation ( the previous name of UCPI was University Chinese Philanthropy Initiative Foundation), held its 2018 Golden Autumn Gala in Support of UBC Blue & Gold Campaign at the Four Seasons Hotel of Vancouver on November 6th, 2018.

温哥华高校加拿大公益促进会( 前温哥华高校华人公益促进会)UCPI,于2018年11月6日在温哥华市中心四季酒店,举办了2018 金秋筹款晚宴,专属支持UBC资助学生的 Blue & Gold campaign。

UCPI kicked off its “1,000 Ambassadors Movement” at the dinner Gala to support UBC’s Blue & Gold Campaign. UBC launched the Campaign last fall to support promising and talented students, with the goal of raising $100 million over three years. UCPI actively supports the campaign and has committed to make contributions to it.

UCPI在这次金秋筹款晚宴上,正式启动了旨在支持UBC的Blue & Gold学生资助计划的“千人慈善大使行动”。为了帮助和支持有天分、有前途的学生,UBC去年底推出了Blue & Gold学生资助计划,准备在三年内筹集1亿加元善款。UCPI积极支持这一面向学生的筹款计划,并且承诺要为计划实现做出贡献。

At the gala, UCPI announced that they will engage 1,000 volunteers to participate in the project. Anyone who is passionate about giving back and willing to support the campaign can become a UCPI Ambassador (千人慈善大使) by raising or donating $100 CAD for UBC’s Blue & Gold Campaign.

UCPI在金秋筹款晚宴上宣布,将召集和吸引1000名志愿者参与这个慈善项目,任何人只要热心慈善事业、为UBC的Blue & Gold学生资助计划筹集积累100加元善款,即可成为UCPI的千人慈善大使之一。

Over 100 local businesses and community leaders attended the Gala, including UBC President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Santa J. Ono. Professor Ono expressed appreciation for UCPI’s support of UBC’s Blue & Gold Campaign, and wished UCPI success on their first charity project.

共有100多名温哥华商界和社区杰出人士出席了当晚的慈善盛事,UBC校长欧圣达教授也携夫人出席。欧圣达校长在晚宴上致辞,热烈祝贺UCPI正式启动“千人慈善大使行动”,感谢UCPI对于UBC的Blue & Gold学生资助计划的支持,并且预祝这一UCPI首个慈善项目成功。


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