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温哥华高校加拿大公益促进会(University Canadian Philanthropy Initiative Foundation,UCPI),为了更好地回报社会和社区,在高中学生报名申请大学的季节和关键时刻,于2023年11月26日在UBC(University of British Columbia)的Robert H. Lee 校友中心,举办了大学申请的专题报告会,特别邀请了UBC应用科学学院院长办公室的招生官Erin Fehr女士,为参会的社区内高中学生和家长,详细介绍了UBC应用科学学院的基本情况和招生要求,以及入读大学后在生活、学习等方面的注意事项和可能遇到的挑战。

在两个小时的报告会上,有一半以上的时间是互动环节,与会的高中学生和家长,围绕如何报名申请入读UBC应用科学学院,特别是如何成功进入工程系学习,以及UBC温哥华校区与奥肯纳根校区的区别等问题,纷纷踊跃提问,Erin Fehr女士均一一给与详细解答。

作为UBC大学的社区合作伙伴,UCPI一直把支持和帮助更多的有才能、有天分、有前途的年轻学生进入大学,受到更好的高等教育,作为UCPI的宗旨和目标,过去几年,UCPI积极参与了UBC的Blue & Gold学生资助计划,目前,UCPI也是UBC的Forward学校发展和资助学生宏大计划的积极支持者。UCPI在三年疫情后组织的第一场公益活动,就是关于高中学生申请入大学的专题讲座,UCPI举办这个讲座的初衷,就是要尽可能帮助更多优秀的高中学生,有机会进入UBC这个优秀的大学。

UCPI held a special university application lecture to help students and families during this crucial application season at UBC Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre on November 26, 2023. UCPI was fortunate to have Ms. Erin Fehr, the admissions officer from UBC's Faculty of Applied Sciences, to share insights on UBC's admission requirements and what lies ahead after entering university.

During the two-hour lecture, more than half of the time was an interactive session. High school students and parents participating in the meeting focused on how to register and apply for admission to UBC School of Applied Sciences, especially how to successfully enter the engineering department, as well as the difference between UBC Vancouver campus and Okanagan ccampus. Ms. Erin Fehr gave detailed answers to the questions raised one by one.

As a UBC community partner, UCPI's mission is to assist talented students in accessing higher education. Over the past a few years, UCPI has actively contributed to programs like Blue & Gold Campaign for Students and is now also dedicated supporters of UBC’s Forward campaign, focused on university development and enhanced student support.The first charity event organized by UCPI after the three-year pandemic was this special lecture on high school students applying for university. The primary purpose of holding this lecture was to help as many outstanding high school students as possible to have the opportunity to enter UBC, an excellent university.

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